TRICASE, SEPTEMBER 10 – 18, 2005

The second edition of the .Salento International Film Festival ì .dedicate a tribute to one of the most popular Italian comedy couples, Franco Franchi & Ciccio Ingrassia.

Franco & Ciccio they have given life to one of the most popular Italian comedy couples for decades. The two, inseparable in cinema and television, have shared a forty-year career, from their debuts in vaudeville to recognition in auteur cinema.
Born in the poor conditions typical of the southern economy, they were able to adapt in order to survive their desire to perform and express their talent. Their meeting was casual but the two quickly understand that they have an almost perfect understanding (at least on stage), and that they know how to integrate: one in the classic supporting role, the other as a wild showman. Of the two, Ciccio was the serious and severe one, while Franco was the funny and disjointed “puppet”.


These are the winners of the second edition of the Salento International Film Festival: the award for best film was awarded to Hari Om, Indian feature film by director Bharatbala Ganapathy; to Fabio Segatori, for Hollywood Flies, Gennaro di Mattia won the Best Director and Best Documentary awards Cardboard suitcases.The Italian Dream , with stories of Italian immigration.

Winners in the shorts section were The Little Terrorist by Ashvin Kumar for the international shorts, “Mai dove dovremmo essere” di Davide Mannella for the national shorts.